TPO Feedback
Interview with Chris Bergin, President and Publisher of Tax Analysts: The Increased Velocity of News and HR as an Integral Part of All Business Decisions
October 15th, 2014
This interview is part of a yearlong retrospective blog series commemorating TPO@20!—TPO’s 20th Birthday. These conversations with TPO partners, clients and executives focus on what has and hasn’t changed in “how we work” over the last two decades—and what we can learn for the next 20 years. This interview is with […]
TPO@20! Interview with Shira Harrington of Purposeful Hire: The Laptop as Game Changer and the Rise of “Passiontivity” in the Workforce
August 27th, 2014
This interview is part of a yearlong retrospective blog series commemorating TPO@20! —TPO’s 20th Birthday. These conversations with TPO partners, clients and executives focus on what has and hasn’t changed in “how we work” over the last two decades—and what we can learn for the next 20 years. This interview is with Shira […]
Michael Bowers and Bonnie Polvinale of APTA on Outsourcing HR to TPO
July 30th, 2014
TPO provided outsourced HR services to the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) during a critical management transition period. Here is what APTA CEO J. Michael Bowers and Vice President, Member Relations, Bonnie Polvinale, had to say about the value of working with TPO.
J. Michael Bowers, CEO of APTA
I joined APTA as CEO several months ago, […]
TPO@20! Interview with John Ryan, CEO of CSBS: The End of the “Because I Said So!” Era
July 16th, 2014
This interview is part of a yearlong retrospective blog series commemorating TPO@20! – TPO’s 20th Birthday. These conversations with TPO partners, clients and executives focus on what has and hasn’t changed in “how we work” over the last two decades–and what we can learn for the next 20 years. This interview is with […]
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