Compensation Erosion—The Silent (and Sometimes Not so Silent) Morale Killer
February 11th, 2015
Of all the possible topics that cause hallway grumbling, compensation is perhaps the most anxiety producing for employees. Anything involving their budget, their savings and investment rates and their ability to buy the things they want is bound to produce stress, even in a good economy. And they get a “reminder” of their pay (which […]
The Employer-Employee Disconnect on Compensation: Only Half of Workers Feel Pay is Fair
October 30th, 2014
We’ve been saying for a while that employee compensation requires a strategy and a plan. And organizations are starting to get the message. But it takes time. That’s why a recent Washington Post article poked the employee compensation hornet’s nest by highlighting that “only one half of employees felt they were paid fairly compared to […]
“We just revisited our employee compensation strategy…3 years ago.” Oops.
October 8th, 2014
“So, how much do you make?” said one director to another. Or, “I’m sorry but I’ve decided to go with that other opportunity,” said the marketing candidate you thought was a perfect fit.
So begins the domino effect that leads to nagging, sometimes emotional and often costly issues in and around employee retention, morale and talent […]
Rising Wages and 9 Other Signs It’s Time to Remove the Sludge From Your Comp Plan (If You Have One)
August 13th, 2014
A recent Association Now article titled, Business Economists: Wages Rising at More Firms, talks about “a new survey from the National Association for Business Economics in which more than four in 10 respondents said that wages were increasing at their companies—a big surge.”
From an employee’s perspective, the article states,“What a difference a year makes—especially if […]
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